Sunday, September 30, 2007

Story of the Matrix

Neo was working business, and he was very ordinary. Sometimes he got a phone call from a strange man. Neo did not like the stranger on phone call. Neo met a Trynity and she tell him something, After, Smith and his agent was following Neo. Trynity told him how to run away, but he did not do like that. In the agent's office, Smith offered Neo to catch Mopheus, but Neo did not accept. So Smith put a warm in Neo's body to find Mopheus. After Smith let Neo go. Trynity met him and take out a bug , and take him to the Mopheus. He was a person that resitance to artificial intelligence of matrix. Mopheus offered him to help them. Neo accept Mopheus's offer. So he get in the Matrix. He practiced how to fight in Matrix. Mopheus beleived that Neo is the one. During, Fighting with the Smith and his agent, Mopheus's agent beleive more stronger that Neo is the one. But Neo met Oracle who is the prophetess. And she said like, that Neo is not the one. And she said to trynity whom you will love someone is the one. After fighting with Smith, Smith shot a gun to Neo. He was died, but Trynity was loving him. When Smith was leaving, Trynithy kissed him, and said that she loves Neo. Suddenly Neo waked up and he became the one. And he killed Smith.

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