Monday, November 12, 2007


First, Unification of Chinese continent
Second, Unification of Chinese language
Third, Unification of weights and measures

He built the Unitary Government(has not separated government). So he can unification China(unite China). This is big thing that Mao did.
In china, They have a regional dialect(every part in country has different speech). So they have a problem to talk each other. So, Mao made the standard language and order to school to teach the standard language. This makes unification of chinese language.
In China, Mao unification weights and measures. Every weights of standard is 500g. this is the unification of weights and measures. This makes basic of economic management.
There is lot of thing that mao did a good things. But there is something that Mao did a bad thing. Mao made china confusion when Mao started the Cultural Revolution. In this story, There is some opinion that mao made china back step about 30years.
There is some opinion that Mao made China step back about 30 years. but now in china, Mao is the hero in China.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Best of Leader

I saw the movie of the Endurance which was the story of exploration. The hero was Shackleton. I heard about him, when I was younger than now. He was the best Leader. When I read the book of Endurance, It was very hard to understand. In the book I did not had the feeling of movement. But when I saw the movie, It had the feeling of movement. Actor's word gave me a lot of strong impression. And I could understand the story, when I did not understand in the book. But I missed the story, Because I slept. But It was good to see the movie.

LACMA art museum

I had been to museum. It was at the Wilshire and Fairfax, Which name is LACMA. It was art museum. So I did not understand, so It was not happy to see works of art. And I take a coffee at the First floor. After had a coffee, I went to see another pictures and sculptures. There was a lot of sculptures which is hard to understand. But each sculptures has a different feeling. I saw a unusual sculpture which was made by clay. It was very impressive.
My first watching art museum, It was not happy. Because I do not know what does these works of art means. But next time when I have a chance to go to museum, I am going to try to understand.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


1. What were the principles and guiding questions that drove your group's decisions?
-It was safty, and tools for making foods.

2. Which items were most difficult to agree on?
-I think radio is not important, Because It needs sign and battery.

3. How did your group resolve any difference of opinion?
-We had a several difference of opinions. So We talk to each others, and than we decide.

In the morning

I wake up at 6:30 am. Everyday in the morning, It is very ordinary. I wake up and take a shower. Take clothes After shower, and I have a breakfast for my energy. Take my bag and go out and walk to take a bus. It takes about ten minute for walk to bus station. And I take the 11bus. This is everydays in the mornig.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Story of the Matrix

Neo was working business, and he was very ordinary. Sometimes he got a phone call from a strange man. Neo did not like the stranger on phone call. Neo met a Trynity and she tell him something, After, Smith and his agent was following Neo. Trynity told him how to run away, but he did not do like that. In the agent's office, Smith offered Neo to catch Mopheus, but Neo did not accept. So Smith put a warm in Neo's body to find Mopheus. After Smith let Neo go. Trynity met him and take out a bug , and take him to the Mopheus. He was a person that resitance to artificial intelligence of matrix. Mopheus offered him to help them. Neo accept Mopheus's offer. So he get in the Matrix. He practiced how to fight in Matrix. Mopheus beleived that Neo is the one. During, Fighting with the Smith and his agent, Mopheus's agent beleive more stronger that Neo is the one. But Neo met Oracle who is the prophetess. And she said like, that Neo is not the one. And she said to trynity whom you will love someone is the one. After fighting with Smith, Smith shot a gun to Neo. He was died, but Trynity was loving him. When Smith was leaving, Trynithy kissed him, and said that she loves Neo. Suddenly Neo waked up and he became the one. And he killed Smith.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Topic Sentence

1. My friends, TaeHwa is a good student, that never give up going class, if he drink or catch a cold.

2. My father is a taciturn person, That he always speaks only few words.

3. My friend, LeeNa likes to drink liquid, And never become intoxicated.